Friday, February 17, 2006


CHAP over Frame Relay (Question #13)

Consider two routers connected back-to-back like this

Router1 ---- [Frame Relay Cloud] ---- Router2

Here is the relevant config for the routers


interface Serial2/0
ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
no keepalive
no fair-queue
frame-relay interface-dlci 102


interface Serial2/0
ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
no keepalive
no fair-queue
frame-relay interface-dlci 201

The two routers can successfully ping over the frame relay interfaces.

Now, we wish to run CHAP between the two routers over the frame relay link for security reasons. How will the config need to be modified to make that happen? Assume that the usernames to be used for CHAP are the router hostnames itself and the password for both routers is "cisco".

Hi,this is sundaresan.Iam a ccnp student,as per knowledge,we cant use CHAP over frame relay.Because CHAP comes under PPP protocols.
i believe we can use a virtual template as in the following example.. just a rough draft mind you..

first create the virtual template :

interface Virtual-Template1

ip unnumbered (interface)

ppp authentication chap pap

then on a sub interface :

frame-relay interface-dlci 32 ppp virtual-template1

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